Surgical Center Accreditation Patient Rights

Prepping for your surgical center accreditation from AAAHC, The Joint Commission, QUAD A or State Licensing your surgical center must recognize the basic human rights of patients.  Rights for surgical center accreditation include:

  1. Patients are treated with respect, consideration and dignity

2. The patient has the right to be free from any act of discrimination or reprisal

3. The patient has the right to receive care in a safe setting

4. The patient has the right to be free from all forms of abuse or harassment

5. The patient has the right to be informed of these rights

6. The patient must have written notice of rights and must be able to view rights while waiting for treatment

7. Patients must be informed of their responsibilities  

8. The patient has the right to voice grievances regarding treatment or care.

9. The patient is provided written information concerning the surgery centers policy on advance directives including a description of applicable state health and safety laws

If you need surgical center accreditation make sure you are posting in your waiting room the patient rights and responsibilities.  Ensure that you have copies available to provide the patient on the scheduled surgery day to obtain surgical center accreditation.  This is the first step during your surgical center accreditation inspection.  

Accredia provides surgical facility accreditation preparation services so you can pass your inspection.  Accredia is a one stop shop for downloadable policy manuals, streaming online accreditation preparation and streaming accreditation workshops so you can get your surgical center ready for inspection 24 hours a day.  

Here’s to your success,