Surgery Center Accreditation Policies and Procedures Manual for the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Healthcare (AAAHC)

The Surgery Center or Ambulatory Surgery Center must develop and maintain policies and procedures.  You must ensure that you have written documentation required to comply with AAAHC Standards.  A partial list of written surgery center policies and procedures you must have for your AAAHC inspection are:

Procedures for credentialing

Written applications for appointment

Fiscal controls

Personnel policies

Quality Improvement Plan

Risk management policies

High level disinfection

Safety program


Exposure control plan

Deep sedation

Deep vein thrombosis

Sponge count

The above referenced surgery center policies and procedures is not the complete list required for a AAAHC inspection.  You can purchase all surgery center policies and procedures at Accredia.  Our accreditation service includes streaming compliance videos on demand anytime, meetings and downloadable policies and procedures, logs & compliance templates ready for immediate use.    

Here’s to your success,