Category: News Alerts

  • Influenza Vaccination: New Infection Prevention and Control Standard

    The Joint Commission is aware that many accredited organizations have not provided influenza vaccinations to staff and licensed independent practitioners in the past.  Therefore, it determined that the requirements of standard IC.02.04.01 will be implemented in the following phased approach for those organizations for which standard IC.02.04.01 is new.  This implementation will provide organizations additional…

  • 2012 AAAHC Handbook Addendums

    If you are having difficulties in obtaining a transfer agreement for your ambulatory surgery center from your neighborhood hospital you do have options to comply with the standard. Please read attached addendum from AAAHC. Addendum to 2012 Medicare Handbook If this is the year you are choosing AAAHC Medicare deem status early option survey (EOS)…

  • Reduced Accreditation Fees for Smaller Size Module

    AAAHC (The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care) announces an accreditation program that is tailored to the specific needs of practices that offer office based surgery and that is priced to be cost effective for smaller practices.  Office based surgery center is defined as a center in which has no more than four (4) physicians…