Category: Error Management

  • Inspection Focus on Medication Management

    The surgery center must store medications according to manufacturer’s recommendations.  Are you checking the temperature of your medications refrigerator once a day?  You must show evidence that you are monitoring the temperature.  Gone are the days of freezing a cup of water and sticking a penny on top of it to monitor the temperature along…

  • Removal of Medications

    Make sure you remove all expired, damaged and contaminated medications by using the proper disposal method.  Here’s to you success, NB    

  • Look Alike Sound Alike Medications

    A process to reduce and avoid medication errors. Do you have a written policy to avoid medication errors?  If look-alike or sound-alike medications are present you must identify and maintain a current list of these medications and actions to prevent errors that are evident during your surgery center accreditation inspection.  If you have different strengths…