Category: Fire and Life Safety

  • Holes In Full Height Partition (FIRE WALL)

    If you have cords or cables running through the full height partition (Fire Wall), you want to ensure that the wall is properly sealed.  What happens is this!   After the surgery center construction has been completed technology companies come in i.e. phone & communications company’s to install phone and dictation transcription lines and computers and unfortunately…

  • Fire Alarm System Pull Station Activation Mandatory

    Did you know that when performing one of your quarterly fire and emergency drills you have to document that you have demonstrated the protocol for the activation of your fire alarm system/pull station and complete evacuation of the entire facility.  Make sure you know where your key is to the pull station so you can…

  • Fire Rated Door & Window Frames

    Life Safety Code requirement for Medicare certified surgery centers dictate “fire-rated door assemblies consist of labeled (with fire rating) frames and labeled doors, with or without labeled window glazing panels.  The rating of the overall assembly is determined by the lowest labeled component (door, frame, or window).  Smoke barriers are of 1-hour (minimum) fire-resistive construction,…