Month: August 2013

  • Physician’s  Suspended for Delinquent Taxes

    Physician’s Suspended for Delinquent Taxes

    The Medical Board of California (MBC) will be sending notices to physicians with outstanding tax debts with a warning that their medical license will be suspended if they do not pay their tax obligations to the state of California Franchise Tax Board.  You will have a chance to enter into a ninety (90) day payment…

  • Surgery Center Emergency Evacuation Plan

    Surgery Center Emergency Evacuation Plan

    To get you through your surgery center accreditation inspection make sure you have posted visibly to patients an evacuation map on how to safely evacuate the center.    Make sure your plan or map (which ever you prefer to call it) is visible to the patient denoting where they are in the center and evacuation routes…

  • Surgery Center Accreditation Pharmacy Inspection

    Surgery Center Accreditation Pharmacy Inspection

    Are you contracted with a pharmacist to come into your surgery center to perform periodic inspections for controlled substance review, medications storage, administering, waste and removal?  You should.  Medications management is a big part of your surgery center accreditation survey.  Inspectors want to see that you are in compliance with adhering to National Patient Safety…