Month: March 2012

  • Health, Wellness and Recovery

    I truly believe that we are shifting to a time in history whereby all physicians of all specialties can freely talk to the patients about the total benefits for maintaining health and wellness.  Whether you’re an Orthopedic Surgeon, Spine, Pain Management, OB-GYN, Podiatrist, ENT, or Anesthesiologist it does not matter.  There will be the need…

  • Emergency Drills for Fire Safety

    Emergency drills need to be performed and documented on a quarterly basis.  Surveyors like to see a variety in your drills and suggest that you perform separate drills for fire safety, CPR, fire extinguisher testing, malignant hyperthermia, and disaster preparedness i.e. earthquake, bomb threat, or bio-terrorism. Certification or licensure requirement state that you must show…

  • Medical Staff Bylaws

    The medical staff bylaws describe the purpose of the surgery center and its structure.  It should be recognized in the bylaws that your surgery center will provide an alternative to the high cost of hospital inpatient care.  In fact with your surgery center you are in a better position to provide better quality of care…