Category: Sterile Processing

  • Infection Control Risks

    Infection Control Risks

    Once you complete your annual Infection Control Risk Assessment, strive to achieve a goal in areas that have been identified as weak or poor.  Areas can include lack of hand hygiene or problems with cleaning and disinfection which can lead to patient post operative infections.  Sustain compliance by performing monthly infection control rounds and surveillance…

  • Sterile Supply Storage Room

    Sterile Supply Storage Room

    Make sure your sterile storage area is clean and dust free as possible.   Maintain the room temperature in a range of 65-69 degrees and humidity maintained between 35-45 percent. Make sure you keep inventory 18 inches away from the sprinkler head.  Sterile supplies should not be stored with cleaning supplies.  Most importantly don’t forget to…

  • Instrument Reprocessing

    As part of the requirements you have to meet for surgery center accreditation and certification, the organization must provide a functional and sanitary environment.  The accrediting or certification surveyor will ask your certified surgical tech or scrub person questions pertaining to the sterilization process of the instruments and supplies.  The surveyor will most likely request…