Category: Error Management

  • Crash Cart Mandates By AAAASF

    Crash Cart Mandates By AAAASF

    You will find all of the medications needed for your crash cart in the AAAASF standards manual.

  • Surgery Center Accreditation Pharmacy Inspection

    Surgery Center Accreditation Pharmacy Inspection

    Are you contracted with a pharmacist to come into your surgery center to perform periodic inspections for controlled substance review, medications storage, administering, waste and removal?  You should.  Medications management is a big part of your surgery center accreditation survey.  Inspectors want to see that you are in compliance with adhering to National Patient Safety…

  • Improve Safety Of Using Medications

    Improve Safety Of Using Medications

    You can reduce the most common drug errors made in the OR during medications preparation and administration by labeling medications.  Include medication name, strength, quantity, diluent and volume, preparation & expiration date/ time.  Staff must use clean or sterile techniques and maintain clean, uncluttered and functionally separate areas for medication preparation to avoid contamination of…